“HEADLINE: Heart Disease Researchers Find A Cure” ??? Well, maybe not yet, but if I have my way I’ll see this headline in my lifetime. I try every day to do something to rid this planet of this terrible killer. – Keith
Misdiagnosis? I’ve heard from several people recently about them being misdiagnosed by their doctor. I haven’t done much research on this topic. Perhaps this is more common than I thought. I’m a big believer in 2nd or even 3rd opinions. I’m not speaking about simply not liking what the doctor says, but actually misdiagnosing a condition that has become a much bigger issue. Thoughts? – Keith
“August 23, 2007, is the day I had my open-heart surgery. I remember as if it were yesterday. I would imagine all survivors could relate to how I feel. I’m more alive today than I’ve ever been. I’ve lost over 200 pounds (without surgery) and feel great. I exercise and try to eat heart healthy everyday. Each day presents new challenges and obstacles but I do my best. Everyday is the greatest day of my life.” – Keith
“For many people their first Heart Attack or Stroke is their last. Sad … but true. Education, Awareness and Prevention are the tools we have to combat the deadly and often preventable diseases that cause heart attack and stroke. Do something now; today, tomorrow and next week to positively impact your own life. It’s a gift you will cherish forever.” – Keith
“Stress is certainly a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Reducing stress may be as beneficial as exercise and diet in preventing these diseases. Exercise, even short walks, and getting enough sleep may dramatically reduce stress in your life.” – Keith
“I went to a wedding reception and there were 3 Cardiac ER nurses there. One of them said that this was the safest party in town and that there was no way anyone could die there. She said that if something were to happen the patient would surely survive at least until they got to the hospital. It was the funniest and truest thing I have heard in a long while. Nurses are the greatest. They do what the doctors can’t” – Keith
We are the Cure. Since 1999, the death rate from coronary heart disease has decreased by 23{1ee8873d3da54571ef77633feec9b2f18618b0dba2f28faf42edb28003d1c6f7}; the death rate from stroke has been reduced by 19{1ee8873d3da54571ef77633feec9b2f18618b0dba2f28faf42edb28003d1c6f7}; and high cholesterol prevalence was reduced by 20{1ee8873d3da54571ef77633feec9b2f18618b0dba2f28faf42edb28003d1c6f7}.Much of this success in fighting cardiovascular diseases and stroke is due to the research, public education efforts, medical training and community health programs funded by the American Heart Association. Source: AHA
“5 years ago, August 23, 2007, is the day I had my open-heart surgery. I remember as if it were yesterday. More healthy, healing, positive energy from family and friends was sent my way that day than anyone ever deserved. I would imagine all survivors can relate to how I feel. I’m more alive today […]
Like I say, “I Hate Heart Disease”. Good man, Good life. RIP Mr. Clark. I’ll think of you every time the Ball drops. K Click on Link Below for Story, Dick Clark Dies: TV Legend Dead At 82
Here is your chance to tell your legislators and others that you proudly support having CPR a required graduation credential for all high school students. To help, go to becprsmart.org I strongly believe that we need to have as many potential “First Responders” as we can. This is an excellent opportunity to do so. What […]
Mass CPR Training event in Denver today. Hundreds of men and women showed up today ranging from High School students to Senior Citizens to be trained in Hands Only CPR. Training took place every hour on the hour at East High School. We had over 50 trainers and the American Heart Association did a great […]
This afternoon we held our annual Heart Walk Kick-Off Party for the American Heart Association – Denver at Sports Authority Field (Bronco Stadium) in the Visitors Locker Room. It was a wonderful team building and strategy meeting. We heard from a Stroke Survivor, got fired-up with a Zumba Team, and heard how last years top […]
Saturday, March 24. East High School Denver. Last year 1600 trained… this year we expect over 2000. Saving lives by teaching one person at a time. Anyone can do it. It’s so easy to learn. If your near Denver just show up for an hour and we’ll show you how. Keith
This bill failed in committee for several reasons. I was able to testify in favor of the bill, but we were faced with some unexpected issues. We’ll try again next year. CPR in Schools: SB 98 would incorporate CPR training into high school curriculum. CPR and AEDs are tools that can save a life when […]
Coming Up In Committee In The Colorado Capitol. Trans-fat in Schools: SB 68 would create healthier school meals by removing trans-fats from school cafeterias. Trans-fats increase risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Healthier kids are more alert and learn better in the classroom. This bill will help reduce childhood obesity and create better students.
Coming up in Committee at the Colorado Capitol. Do you know CPR? CPR in Schools: SB 98 would incorporate CPR training into high school curriculum. CPR and AEDs are tools that can save a life when sudden cardiac arrest occurs. We want everyone to be trained in CPR so they can be a lifesaver in […]