I’ll be presenting and sharing my journey to the Las Vegas Chapter of
Mended Hearts. This presentation will be at
Desert Springs Hospital in Las Vegas on Saturday, November 20, 2010.
I’m looking forward to presenting to other survivors and their families about healthy lifestyle changes while living with and surviving cardiovascular disease.
About Mended Hearts
Mended Hearts has been offering the gift of hope to heart disease patients, their families and caregivers for 60 years. Recognized for its role in facilitating a positive patient-care experience, Mended Hearts partners with 460 hospitals and rehabilitation clinics and offers services to heart patients through visiting programs, support group meetings and educational forums. Our mission is to “inspire hope in heart disease patients and their families.” From
American Heart Association,
Desert Springs Hospital,
Keith Ahrens,
Lifestyle Change,
Mended Hearts,
Outrunning My Shadow,
Weight Loss

My new website is up. www.keithahrens.com New look, feel and much more content.
All health related info and much more coming soon.
My goal is to provide information that people can use today to improve their lives.
There will be much more useful and inspirational content on this site with new posts.
I will soon be having several experts contributing also to the content.
Feel free to share the link with your friends.
As always, I welcome any feedback–good or bad:)
Feel free to explore and post a comment on an existing post if you wish.
If you could go to the site and “subscribe” you will get my latest blog posts. You just enter your email and follow any quick steps. Very secure and easy to do. This will keep you up to date on the latest posts.
I hope you enjoy:)
Ted Vieira at Image Perceptions was the mastermind behind this new site. He’s a great guy and a Master Web Guru:) Ted@ImagePerceptions.com
Healthy Days Ahead, Keith

Team “Outrunning My Shadow” So far – $2785 raised
#1 Community Team, #5 overall team out of 160 total teams.
Way to go team and contributors.
Also, as last years AHA Lifestyle Change Award Recipient, The AHA asked me to present the award to this years recipient.
Las Vegas American Heart Association Heart Walk October 16, 2010

Here we go. Team “Outrunning My Shadow” is the top Community Team as of today in our fundraising efforts for Saturday’s Heart Walk. We’ve exceeded our team goal and want to go even higher.
It’s still not too late to donate and help make a difference. Lives will be saved. The money goes directly to research, grant funding, and awareness campaigns.
Thank you so much for your Heart Healthy support. Keith

Team Outrunning My Shadow has raised over $1000 for the American Heart Association. Our walk is October 16 in Las Vegas. Any donation, large or small is appreciated and heart felt:) The link above will take you directly to the donation page and give more information. Heart Healthier Days Ahead. Thanks for the support.

Today I delivered the Keynote Speech for the Howard County Public School System education conference. There were 150 Health and Physical Education teachers in attendance. The break out sessions were focused on nutrition, obesity prevention and physical fitness and technology. These great teachers are on the front line of the obesity epidemic and need our support. The heart health of our children depend on it. They positively impact the lives of every student they work with. One teacher told me that my speech could impact as many as 50,000 students. What a feeling:) – Keith

Feel free to join Team “Outrunning My Shadow” as a virtual walker or please donate and join the fight to erase heart disease, stroke, and obesity.
I’ll be dressing like a Penguin. The 20th Annual American Heart Association Heart Ball is Saturday Night at the Ritz Carlton. I was invited to be a guest of The American Heart Association. What an honor.
The new website is and replaces the old one. Please visit New website is up:) www.OutrunningMyShadow.com