Archive for 'HealthSpirations'

I just watched the movie ELF with Will Ferrell as Buddy the ELF.  This movie inspires me to believe that anything is possible.  We limit ourselves too often by listening to what others tell us we can or can’t do, or more importantly what they believe is possible or impossible.
Belief, Magic, Hope, Faith, and the possibilities of infinity abound.
Imagination = Infinity!
Believe in yourself!
Did I mention I cry every time I see this goofy movie? – Keith


After a speech I recently delivered someone asked me what I meant when I spoke of “The Walls”.
The walls that I was talking about were referring to my “layers of fat” my obesity.  I probably didn’t articulate that well during that speech but it’s a heavy subject (no pun intended).  I was limited on time and couldn’t expand on every detail.
I often get asked in interviews or during Q&A after a speech why I became or got so big.  I get asked often, why I didn’t get the weight off sooner?  My response is that one of the reasons I put on the layers and kept them on is because it helped me keep people away–relationships, people, etc…
Although I was very successful in my career, I kept people at a distance.  I had and have a fear of intimacy.  It stemmed, I believe, from my parents divorcing when I was 13.
I never wanted to be put in a position to let someone down or not feel unconditional love returned. Jan Denise, a friend of mine who wrote a couple articles on me put it best.  She wrote a book called “Innately Good“.  In it she talked about why people have fear like I have.  She said that if someone has the capacity to love another unconditionally (which I believe I do), and in turn that person feels that someone can’t love them unconditionally, then they feel, as I did/do, that he/she shouldn’t let people in their lives as to not get hurt or hurt someone else.  I hope that makes sense.  That’s what I meant by walls.
I still work with this because my life has changed so much over the past few years.  I think this was one of the core reasons that I was so big for so long.
The walls made feel safe.
The journey certainly continues. – Keith
Thanksgiving’s a day to give thanks.
I give thanks for my continued health and that of my family and friends.
I’m thankful for having the most supportive family anyone could ever ask for.
I’m thankful for the paths I’ve traveled and the people I’ve met this year that have enriched my life.  I’ve met some very strong people.
I give thanks to the troops and veterans who serve and served unconditionally and without reservation.
I give thanks that I am who I am and I can be what I want to be.
I’m thankful for knowing that I have the strength to handle whatever challenges lie ahead.
I hope you each enjoy a day of reflection, health, and love with many more to come. – Keith

Unwrap The Opportunity

“Remember the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray? Each day he woke up and the day repeated itself.
He was given the opportunity to change anything he wanted–for better or for worse. We’re given the same opportunity.
Yesterday’s gone.
Today we can make a positive impact in our lives or someone else’s life regardless of what we did yesterday.
When your alarm clock goes off tomorrow, make it your day!
Consider each day ahead a gift waiting to be unwrapped.” – Keith

“Have confidence in someone else. Have confidence in yourself. I know what its like for people have confidence in me. Other people’s confidence has brought me through some very difficult times. Today I share my confidence in you. You deserve it. Feel proud and empowered to know that someone, somewhere is confident in you.” – Keith

I like it in the loft and doing it in public. Of course, I’m talking about exercise.  Where do you like to do it? Location should never be an excuse not to get in some daily exercise or activity. Fitness is the least expensive and most effective “natural-medicine” we can take. In addition to helping your heart with daily exercise and activity, this is also breast cancer awareness month. Get your checkup and routine screenings.  – Keith

Hostility, pessimism, and cynicism can hurt your heart health. I believe everyone deserves to be happy and healthy. Studies have shown that an optimistic and positive way of thinking reduces the risk for developing heart disease.  Optimistic people seem to make better lifestyle choices. Optimism may lead to lower blood pressure and reduced stress. It appears positive thinking just may save your life. – Keith

One More Hug

“Is it possible to get someone to do something healthier for just a hug? When you ask your spouse, kids, or a friend to do something that will make them healthier, tell them you’ll give them a hug. What may not seem like a big deal today, may mean the world to them tomorrow. What would you give to hug a family member or friend just one more time that has passed away?” – Keith

No Charge, Really!

“A Good Attitude is Free.  No Charge and You Make it For Yourself.  It’s an easy recipe that’s definitely Heart Healthy.  It’s the bad attitude that costs us.” – Keith

Keith’s Golden Rule

“We all know the golden rule, “Treat others as you wish to be treated”.  I say, “Treat yourself the way you treat other people”.  We often treat our family and friends much better than we treat ourselves. Why? Put yourself at the front of the line when it comes to heart healthy lifestyle changes. You deserve it. I’m a big believer in putting yourself first. The impact it’s had on my life and how many people I’ve been able to help and influence has been immeasurable.” – Keith