Team Outrunning My Shadow has raised over $1000 for the American Heart Association. Our walk is October 16 in Las Vegas. Any donation, large or small is appreciated and heart felt:) The link above will take you directly to the donation page and give more information. Heart Healthier Days Ahead. Thanks for the support.

10 minutes of exercise for everyone. When I work out, I’ll do an extra 10 minutes thinking of everyone that needs a little push and encouragement to get moving. Knowing that I’ll do 10 minutes thinking of you, will you match it and do 10 minutes thinking of yourself? Remember, we all started somewhere. – Keith
Hostility, pessimism, and cynicism can hurt your heart health. I believe everyone deserves to be happy and healthy. Studies have shown that an optimistic and positive way of thinking reduces the risk for developing heart disease. Optimistic people seem to make better lifestyle choices. Optimism may lead to lower blood pressure and reduced stress. It appears positive thinking just may save your life. – Keith
“We can create a Heart Healthy Week. Ask yourself, “What behaviors can I change this week?” Make a small commitment and stick to it.
Some ideas: No eating after 6pm and no nibbling while cooking. If your watching TV, move during the 2 minute commercial breaks. Take the stairs at work.
Park the car just a little further away. No finishing the kids’ meals. Drink a little more water. Eat an extra piece of fruit or serving of veggies. Take a look around and identify a few behaviors you can change this week.
Make at least one small commitment of change that will help your heart health. – Keith
On a radio interview from southern Texas, we were discussing Heart Healthy Lifestyle Changes and the host said to me, “You don’t eat fried chicken anymore?” I told him “not any more”. He said, “I could never give up my fried chicken. That would be way too extreme.” “Extreme”, I said. “To me, extreme is an eleven-inch scar on my chest.” To that he responded, “Well, I guess I can cut way back on my fried chicken.” – Keith