Nevada Heart & Stroke Day was held at the Nevada State Legislature and Capitol.
I bought my flip cam and shot some video and put together a short trailer on YouTube.
Click here to watch the YouTube video
The American Heart Association coordinated the event.
Advocates from many different fields advocated legislative action to the Governors office, our State Senators, and Assemblymen.
The 4 key legislative initiatives we lobbied for were:
1. Childhood Obesity – Removing foods containing trans-fats from the schools in Nevada.
2. Childhood Obesity – Improve nutrition and physical activity/education during and after school and childcare programs. Support statewide school wellness policies and help schools adhere to the program. Support school playgrounds and athletic fields for use by community and non-profits.
3. Tobacco Control – Increased price of tobacco products, limiting exposure to second hand smoke and funding to cover cessation programs and services.
4. Stroke Quality and Availability of Care – Support state level recognition of certified stroke centers and coordinated systems of care for stroke in Nevada.
Click here to watch the YouTube video
Please feel free to share the link.