Nevada Heart & Stroke Day was held at the Nevada State Legislature and Capitol.
I bought my flip cam and shot some video and put together a short trailer on YouTube.
Click here to watch the YouTube video
The American Heart Association coordinated the event.
Advocates from many different fields advocated legislative action to the Governors office, our State Senators, and Assemblymen.
The 4 key legislative initiatives we lobbied for were:
1. Childhood Obesity – Removing foods containing trans-fats from the schools in Nevada.
2. Childhood Obesity – Improve nutrition and physical activity/education during and after school and childcare programs. Support statewide school wellness policies and help schools adhere to the program. Support school playgrounds and athletic fields for use by community and non-profits.
3. Tobacco Control – Increased price of tobacco products, limiting exposure to second hand smoke and funding to cover cessation programs and services.
4. Stroke Quality and Availability of Care – Support state level recognition of certified stroke centers and coordinated systems of care for stroke in Nevada.
Click here to watch the YouTube video
Please feel free to share the link.
On Saturday I’ll be walking in the Children’s Heart Foundation Heart Walk in Las Vegas for kids born with congenital heart defects.
This foundation does some great work to help the children and families effected by and living with Heart Disease.
When I meet children survivors, it really hits your heart, both literally and figuratively. These are amazing children who I admire for their strength and resilience. Being around them really makes you stronger. They have that natural way to uplift and inspire you. We can always use Inspiration!
I salute these kids for their courage.
From the Children’s Heart Foundation Website
About Our Organization
Heart problems in children are surprisingly common. They are, in fact, the most common type of birth defect and the number one cause of death during the first year of life. Nearly twice as many children die from congenital heart disease in the United States each year as die from all forms of childhood cancers combined.
In Nevada alone, more than 350 children are born each year with significant heart disease requiring either intensive medications or surgery. An additional 150 to 250 of Nevada’s children and newborns may develop a heart problem due to infections, Kawasaki disease or Rheumatic fever. Hundreds more will exhibit problems with heartbeat irregularities requiring medications or specialized procedures.
Children’s Heart Foundation is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of children with heart conditions throughout Nevada. We empower heart families through emotional, educational and financial support to inspire a higher quality of life for all.
The Foundation has three main goals:
1. To provide a carefree camp experience for children with heart conditions
2. To educate healthcare professionals and the general public on pediatric cardiology issues
3. To lend support to families as they deal with the emotional and financial toll exacted by a child’s heart problems
Friday I’ll be attending a private GoRed event for American Heart Month.
The event will take place at a residence Las Vegas.
I’ll be signing books and talking with the attendees.
There will be a Silent Auction, a Zumba class, Heart Healthy Food, Music and other activities.
It’s nice to see people take interest and dedicate a “Party Atmosphere” to raise awareness of Heart disease. The proceeds of the event will benefit The American Heart Association.
On Thursday, February 24, I’ll be going to our State Capitol along with other advocates from the American Heart Association, Health Care Providers, Insurance Companies, the Medical Community and Citizens.
We‘ll gather in Carson City, Nevada to celebrate Heart & Stroke and Wear Red Day at the Legislature.
Events will be held throughout the day to educate and raise awareness of Heart Disease, Stroke, Obesity, Smoking and the other related chronic diseases and risk factors.
Throughout the day and afternoon, we’ll visit with our elected officials to encourage their support of pending legislation that will improve the lives of the citizens of Nevada.
I’m a firm believer that by investing now on awareness, prevention and education programs and initiatives to the citizens of Nevada and around the country the cost savings to the states down the road will be far less than if we do nothing. I say, “Act Now”.
Some of the events taking place are below:
Hands Only CPR Demonstration by REMSA Begins
Speaker: Sudden Cardiac Arrest Among Youth
Speaker: Life’s Simple Seven
Speaker: Go Red For Women
Speaker: Fighting Childhood Obesity
Speaker: Tobacco and Heart Disease/Stroke
Speaker: Issue Overviews
Speaker: Preventing Atherosclerosis
Legislative Office Meetings
Will you be joining a team?
Team Sign Up Starts Today. Help us Fight Heart Disease and Stroke.
It’s never been easier to make a difference.
Las Vegas Heart Walk 2011
February is American Heart Month. Friday, February 4 is GoRed for Women in the fight against heart disease, America’s #1 Killer.
No Matter how you say it or show it….. Get involved!