Today was a blast… of Water.
The Jump For Joy Foundation had another camp today. I love these camps.
Fighting the rising Childhood Obesity Epidemic by getting kids physically active is “Camp Jumps” primary mission. Arming the parents with the knowledge they need to help their children eat healthier and stay active is another mission.
Bill gave another outstanding nutrition class to the parents. Anthony and Branden worked tirelessly to keep the kids moving. The many volunteers tried to keep up with the kids and always had a smile on their face.
Today’s theme: Firefighters Boot Camp.
Firefighters from The Clark County Fire Department came to the camp today in full gear. They used fire hoses, relays, and fitness drills to get all the kids involved in fitness. To have these Hero’s come and work with the kids was Amazing and Inspiring.
The firefighters explained the importance of staying fit and eating healthier foods to stay in shape with the kids.
The highlight came at the end of camp when everyone went outside and saw a Paramedic Ambulance, a Huge Fire Truck and an even Bigger Ladder Truck.
The firemen repositioned the Ladder truck, raised the ladder, had a very brave firefighter scale 6 stories in the air and turn on the fire hose cannon. At 800 gallons per minute this site was awesome.
They also let the kids grab hold and discharge a fire hose and spray the parking lot.
All I could say was “WOW”.
The Jump For Joy Foundation is doing excellent work.
Visit their website and learn more. Click Here “”
Have a Heart Healthy Day and Keep Moving America. – Keith
SB230 is coming up for a vote in the Nevada Legislature tomorrow Friday, March 25.
The bill prohibits the sale or provision of foods containing Trans Fats at public schools within this State.
I’m hoping the advocacy work we’ve done and our testimony tomorrow pays off and the bill gets passed.
It will greatly improve the heart health of our children and reduce future medical expenditures for generations to come. – Keith
From the American Heart Association Below:
The AHA will continue to monitor removal of trans fats from the food supply and assure that healthy replacement oils are used.
• The Association will advocate for legislation and regulation that removes industrially-produced trans fats from food preparation in restaurants and schools and requires that all foods brought in be zero grams of industrially-produced trans fat as labeled.
• The AHA will also address labeling issues to assure that there is accurate information provided to consumers about the actual amounts of trans fats in foods products.
• The AHA will support robust nutrition standards in schools and for foods marketed and advertised to children and strong procurement standards for foods purchased by employers and government feeding programs.
Nevada Heart & Stroke Day was held at the Nevada State Legislature and Capitol.
I bought my flip cam and shot some video and put together a short trailer on YouTube.
Click here to watch the YouTube video
The American Heart Association coordinated the event.
Advocates from many different fields advocated legislative action to the Governors office, our State Senators, and Assemblymen.
The 4 key legislative initiatives we lobbied for were:
1. Childhood Obesity – Removing foods containing trans-fats from the schools in Nevada.
2. Childhood Obesity – Improve nutrition and physical activity/education during and after school and childcare programs. Support statewide school wellness policies and help schools adhere to the program. Support school playgrounds and athletic fields for use by community and non-profits.
3. Tobacco Control – Increased price of tobacco products, limiting exposure to second hand smoke and funding to cover cessation programs and services.
4. Stroke Quality and Availability of Care – Support state level recognition of certified stroke centers and coordinated systems of care for stroke in Nevada.
Click here to watch the YouTube video
Please feel free to share the link.